how it works
Select from any store of your choice that you wish to purchase your products from our website (some included in the image carousel at home page.
You can finish up online shopping by yourself and we shall provide you the shipping information or send us a link or links of products that you wish to purchase and we can complete processing the order on your behalf.
Once the order is confirmed, payments are done and the products will be delivered to our address. WE shall then provide you with the shipping details including the date of departure and delivery to the destination. This takes an average of 7 days, however, the customer is required to pay for the shipping costs from Canada to the destination.
our expertise
Fast delivery
We deliver your products to your address as soon as we get them at our warehouse. Please not that the time for the item to reach its destination varies based on your location or distance. We ship cargo by air, land and sea.
item inspection
All items are inspected before being sent away. We take pictures of before and after to ensure items integrity and condition at reception.
boxing service
Products are boxed from the store and ours is to send it over.